Tuesday, June 14, 2011

An excersize in using Blender 3D

If anyone was to ask me what animation programs we use I'd say Maya 2011 is our standard, however I learned most of what I do using Blender, a free, open source 3D animation program.  It is fully functional and can be used to create some awesome visuals and animations.  Our rediculously short film, A Snail's Life, was created with Blender.  Our animated logo was also created with Blender.

No other programs were used, except for compiling the footage.  I used Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premier Pro for the edits.  Ok, yes there are some weight problems with the snail, but beyond that, look at the visual aspect.  Am I going to fix the weight problems with the Snail?  No.  I already spent enough time on something that was just meant as a visual experiment with textures and lighting. 

But, the point is that any inspiring 3D artist or animator has access to a free program that is in itself awesome.  No it doesn't do everything the $3000 program Maya does, but if you don't need some of the fancy paint effects, particles or keyframing specialties Blender rocks.  I will admit, I still use Blender to model most of my 3D characters and cut the UV's.  Blenders UV cutting tool is far superior to Maya's, but this is about as far as I go these days with Blender because of the industry we work in.

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